Editor's Notes |
Amazing Adult Fantasy by AD Jameson Presented by Jonah Vorspan-Stein |
The Mystery of the Hidden Driveway by Jennifer L. Knox Presented by Nate Logan |
What's the Deal by Rod Smith Presented byAdam Marston |
We Are Doomed by Brad Liening Presented by Leigh Stein |
California by Jennifer Denrow Presented by Leigh Stein |
Ventrakl by Christian Hawkey Presented by Ella Longpre |
Hunters & Gamblers by Ryan Ridge Presented by Mike Young |
Omegachurch by Dan Hoy Presented by Chris Moran |
Trickster Lauren Cohen |
Dance Off Lauren Cohen |
Psychogenic Polydipsic Jamie Iredell |
Missed Connections Wendy Breuer |
Friend Page Adam Moorad |
Chopsticks Jon Cotner & Andy Fitch |
Hawaii, Cross My Heart Greg Gerke |
Six Fake Boyfriends Jen Gann |
The Man Who Married a House Mathias Svalina |
The Best Among Us Chris Haven |
Girls vs. Wolves Brennen Wysong |
Lucky Michael J. Martin |
Stains Jay Snodgrass |
Ahoy! Melissa Broder |
Sixth Recitation Prior to the Consumption of Organic Psilocybin Matt Mauch |
The Lil Wayne Letters: July 14th & July 18th Lauren Ireland |
Reading the Song of Solomon at Hampton Beach Bianca Stone |
Origami Casket Feliz Molina |
Rather Not Say Halie Theoharides |
Her Twin Was After Me Ally Harris |
from Mephistopheles Hotel Sarah Bartlett |
These Exercises Have Been Altered to Fit the Current Reality Arlene Ang |
Notes on a Failed Expansion Drew Kalbach |
Buffalo Bill on the Beach Steve Subrizi |
[A] Jerimee Bloemeke |
The Furniture Apocalypse Daniel D'Angelo |
List of People Ben Roylance |
Flying Objects Mark Leidner |
X-Files Mark Leidner |
Contributors' Notes |
Acknowledgments Billboard |